Board shoots down residents’ petition to rename Trump Place

Add to the list of folks who want absolutely no association with this year’s inflammatory Republican presidential nominee: the residents of Trump Place. According to the LA Times, a number of Trump Place tenants had been quietly petitioning to have The Donald’s name removed from their entrance at 220 Riverside Boulevard. As one embarrassed resident told the paper, “I used to tell people I lived in Trump Place. Now I say I live at 66th and Riverside Boulevard.” Another said it’s “annoying” that he “always has to defend it to friends.”
Image: Letter to the board date October 5, 2016 via Brick U
Brick U obtained the letter that had been circulating among the Trump Place residents earlier this month, which revealed that at least 57 homeowners and 24 renters had a signed a petition for the removal of the signage. The letter also highlighted that there was no contractual obligation for the building to keep the Trump name, as the development is not owned by Trump (as is the case with many buildings emblazoned with his name), but rather Equity Residential, so it was up to the board whether or not it should be kept.
However, last week the board shot down the request.
According to the Times, they cited several reasons for their decision, including the threat of litigation, adverse publicity and the cost of replacing the signage, which they estimated could cost up to $1 million.
“This Board celebrates the diversity of all who live here,” they wrote in a letter addressed to the residents, “we do not favor any over others, and in an exceptionally contentious political season, we’ve attempted at all times to maintain a neutral position, especially so that we might avoid dragging the polarized external political environment into your homes.”
So for now, residents looking to dump Trump will have to pull a Keith Olbermann. In July, the liberal commentator sold his Trump Place condo at a major discount simply to be rid of the property. Olbermann, however, has also acknowledged that though many of his former neighbors want to leave, they wouldn’t be able to afford the loss. According to CityRealty’s Trump Index, prices across Trump’s NYC towers have fallen 10.5 percent in the last six months.
[Via LA Times]
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Poor snowflakes