Daily Link Fix: See NYC Under 6 Feet of Water; The MoMA Presents Kickstarter-funded Projects

- Taste of Bushwick Coming Soon!: Bedford and Bowery gives us some details on the first annual installment of this new food festival.
- See NYC Under 6 Feet of Water: Fast Company shows us a new Google feature that will have the survivalists scrambling for more canned tuna and reinforcements.
- The MoMA Presents Kickstarter-funded Projects: Dezeen gives us an inside look at this Design Week exhibit, showcasing products funded by the crowd-funding site.
- The New School to be Renamed Parsons: The New York Post gives us the scoop on The New School’s possible plans to adopt the name of their most popular college.
- 525 West 52nd Street Permits Filed: Nikolai Fedak of New York YIMBY reveals more about the Hell’s Kitchen development.
Images: New York underwater (left), Kickstarter project (right)