Make way for the Women’s March on NYC: Street closings, maps and more

January 17, 2019

2017 Women’s March on NYC; image: mathiaswasik via Flickr.

The streets of NYC will fill once again this Saturday, January 19 for the third annual Women’s March on New York City. The first march took place in 2017, as a demonstration in support of women’s rights and in resistance to a growing list of gender-related injustices during the inauguration of President Donald Trump. Last year’s march drew an estimated 200,000 participants. As with any jubilant mass display of human resilience, there will be street closings. Read on for info on where to march, how to avoid traffic snarls and what makes this year’s march different.

women's march on nyc
Map courtesy of Women’s March Alliance.

This year’s events include a rally in Foley Square in addition to a march through the city, each organized by a different organization. For the latter, participants will be gathering at Central Park West and 72nd Street at 10 A.M., and following a rally, will throng their way down to 44th Street and Sixth Avenue.

The Department of Transportation has noted the following street closures from 11am to 3pm for the Women’s March on NYC:


  • Central Park West between 86th Street and Columbus Circle
  • 76th Street between Columbus Avenue and Central Park West
  • 74th Street between Columbus Avenue and Central Park West
  • 71st Street between Columbus Avenue and Central Park West
  • 68th Street between Columbus Avenue and Central Park West
  • 64th Street between Broadway and Central Park West
  • 62nd Street between Broadway and Central Park West
  • 61st Street between Broadway and Central Park West


  • Columbus Circle between Central Park West and West 59th Street
  • West 59th Street between Columbus Circle and Sixth Avenue
  • Sixth Avenue between West 59th and West 45th Streets


  • 45th Street between Seventh and Fifth avenues
  • 44th Street between Seventh and Fifth avenues
  • 43rd Street between Sixth and Seventh avenues
  • Sixth Avenue between West 45th and West 43rd streets

women's march on nyc

The second event will be taking place in lower Manhattan’s Foley Square at the nexus of Centre and Lafayette Streets, also beginning at 10 A.M. and wrapping up at 2 P.M.

You can find out more about Saturday’s march and rally here and here.


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