Daily Link Fix: Watch Out for Talking Buses; Why We Lost the Original Penn Station

January 5, 2015
  • NYC will get talking buses to warn pedestrians in their path. [Next City]
  • Next time you’re waiting for a train in the hot, smelly depths of Penn Station, you can thank the desperate executives of the Pennsylvania Railroad. [NYT]
  • It’s the 80th birthday of the First Houses, the city’s first foray into public housing. [Bedford + Bowery]
  • Don’t know what to do with all those dusty old sepia-toned photos? Upload them to this new website that shares vintage images from around the world. [SepiaTown]
  • This West Village couple “with little money and a lot of vision” transformed a 500-square-foot apartment into their dream home. [Domino]

Images: NYC bus via Sandman Design via photopin cc (L); Original Penn Station (R)

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