Your Daily Link Fix: Summer Retreats for Architects; Is Hurricane Sandy to Blame for New Jersey Boardwalk Fire?

- “Brooklyn Girls” Video a Guaranteed Hit: Brooklyn Mag has singer-songwriter Catey Shaw’s newly released video that is like a Brooklyn version of Katy Perry’s “California Girls”, and it’s pretty catchy.
- Summer Retreats for Architects: Architizer spotlights the top 10 summer retreats for architects, and once you’ve gotten excited about that, check out their article on awesome pool party hacks.
- Is Hurricane Sandy to Blame for  New Jersey Boardwalk Fire?: Inhabitat discusses the devastating fire and how it could be more than just bad luck.
- Bushwick Photographer Takes Pictures of Corners: The Observer spotlights Bushwick Daily’s Insta-takeover photographer Alberto Vargas and his new project “Corners” where he takes pictures of corners of buildings.
- Blackberry Gets Siri-ous: For those of you who still use a blackberry, Gizmodo celebrates the company’s cutting edge new feature: a voice assistant!… Oh wait, everyone else already has that?
Images: The Exbury Egg by PAD Studio Architects (left), Seaside Boardwalk Fire (right)