Daily Link Fix: Robot Becomes BFFs with Seniors; Learn Survival Skills to Help You Escape Any Capture

August 27, 2014
  • Women Street Vendors Serve Up A Labor of Love: In ethnically-diverse low-income neighborhoods, you’ll notice that most of the street vendors are women. Listen in on WNYC’s podcast about the history of women vendors and the native South American foods they sell.
  • SunBeamer Shines Light Into Dark City Buildings: Most buildings in the city don’t have floor-to-ceiling windows that let in the natural light. Gizmodo featured Sumbeamer, these cool devices that track light into city buildings that are blocked by skyscrapers from getting sunlight.
  • Did You Hear About This Cool New Thing? You Can Get Abducted!: Starting tomorrow you can join in on a workshop that’ll teach you some survival skills like picking locks and opening handcuffs. But that’s not even even the fun part; they’ll test you on these newly-learned skills by abducting you. Sound like fun? Check out the details on Gothamist.
  • Being Looked After By A Robot Is Becoming More of a Reality: Henry the robot is a temp working in a nursing home in Vienna and he has two jobs: patrolling and interacting with the seniors. Read more about robots in workplaces and homes on Quartz.

Images: Henry the robot and his friend by Ludwig Schedl for APA via Quartz (left); Rift Recon Flickr (right)

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