A rendering of One Hudson Yards, designed by renowned architecture firm Davis Brody Bond. (Image via onehudsonyards.com/Related)
Leasing launches at One Hudson Yards, luxury rentals starting at $5,095/month
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A rendering of One Hudson Yards, designed by renowned architecture firm Davis Brody Bond. (Image via onehudsonyards.com/Related)
A rendering of the Pelli Clarke Pelli design for 15 Penn Plaza, courtesy of Vornado
There’s only one developer in New York currently tasked with building an entire city neighborhood, and that’s the Related Cos. In 2008, Related embarked on Hudson Yards, a type of project never before tackled in New York—28 acres of apartments, office space, retail, parkland (and a subway stop, to boot) on top of the West […]
Photographs from mid-October of 205 East 92nd Street by the photoblogger Field Condition.