Your Daily Link Fix: 1st Renderings Are Up for Cornell Tech’s Residential Tower; Is Jake Gyllenhaal Looking in Tribeca?

- Jake Gyllenhaal Spotted Checking Out $3.8 Mil Tribeca Townhouse: Is Jake Gyllenhaal looking for a new home in Tribeca? The Real Deal gives us the inside scoop.
- The City That Never Stops: The first step to recovery is admitting you have a problem, and since New Yorkers don’t consider “workaholism” to be a real issue, that’s never going to happen. However, Fast Co. shows us a new app that puts our addiction on display. And this is a problem because…
- St. Mark’s Bookshop is Moving: The famous bookstore is heading to a new location and Crain’s NY has the details of the move.
- NYU Gave Harvard Professor a Cheap Apt: The New York Post gives us the reason NYU decided to give a Harvard professor a bargain on a New York apartment.
- First Renderings Are Up For Cornell Tech’s Residential Tower: This mysterious tower is a mystery no longer as Curbed brings us the new renderings.
- Brain-scanning Devices to Revolutionize Advertising: Are visions of iRobot and Minority Report floating through your head. Well, prepare to be even more mind-boggled as Dezeen takes you further into the world of wearable technology.
- Eight Guys You’ll Probably Run Into in Brooklyn: From the Manhattan Transplant to the Bushwick Bobo, the Observer takes us on a fun tour through Brooklyn’s stereotypical men.
Images: Cornell Tech Residential Tower Rendering (left), Jake Gyllenhaal (right)