Second Avenue Subway may miss December opening date

September 26, 2016

After 100 years of chatter surrounding a Second Avenue Subway, it’s no surprise that the MTA can’t seem to stop flip-flopping on whether or not the line will meet its December opening date. In April of 2015, the agency announced that Phase I was 82 percent complete and on schedule, but this past June, reports of construction snafus signaled what many felt was an inevitable delay. NBC New York now confirms that the MTA is reassessing its timeline due to issues with elevator and escalator testing at the 72nd Street station.

Second Avenue Subway-August 2016-2

These checks won’t be attempted until the end of November, meaning any “glitch” could set the entire project behind, unless the 72nd Street opens later, and the 63rd, 86th, and 96th Street stations open on time. But a briefing book released by the MTA shows that at 86th Street, “progress on station mechanical/electrical equipment and on elevators and escalators needs to improve to assure completion in December.” There are also delays with fire safety tests that were supposed to have already occurred, but won’t until September 30th. The MTA is not publicly citing a delay, but federal official say it could take until February 2018.

[Via NBC]


August 2016 construction shots via MTA/Facebook

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