Watch the nor’easter unfold with this animated map, complete with webcams

March 21, 2018

With the National Weather Service now predicting up to 18 inches of snow for NYC, this handy web app will make storm groupies happy with future and current weather conditions in animated form. It’s all here in the Ventusky web application, developed by Pilsen-based Czech meteorological company InMeteo in collaboration with Marek MojzĂ­k and Martin Prantl. The fascinating app displays meteorological data from around the world so you can monitor weather development for any place on earth and waver between complete denial and the thrill of a good natural disaster ahead of–and during–today’s Winter Storm Toby.

You can use the application’s search feature to find your location (search by name, zip code or GPS coordinates), which you can then add to your favorite locations on the side panel by clicking on the star–they’ll be highlighted on the map so you can find them quickly.

The timeline at the bottom of the page controls the data displayed on the map: You can choose the forecast period for which you would like data to be displayed. Use the buttons to play the animation or move the data one forecast period forward or backward. The time is displayed in the time zone that is set up on your computer.

Another cool feature: If you click on the location you’ve pinpointed on the map, you can access local webcams via the panel on the right, so you can watch your neighborhood getting buried from the safety of–we hope–your favorite cozy couch. There’s a handy user guide here.

You can also track New York City’s snow plow deployment with the interactive PlowNYC tracker. And follow updates from the National Weather Service on Twitter.


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Tags: Ventusky

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