Video: ‘Degentrify America’ Takes on the Issue of Gentrification in Five Minutes

May 18, 2016

The definition of gentrification may be difficult to pin down, but filmmaker Nelson George is attempting to do so in his five-minute short “Degentrify America.” In the film, George melds together national headlines with interviews and animation to paint a picture that has become all too familiar in metropolitan areas across the country. Most notable, however, is the appearance of Crown Heights resident and co-founder of the Crown Heights Tenants Union, Donna Mossman, who speaks candidly about the evictions, injustice and other ills that come with this particular kind of change. Crown Heights recently ranked #8 on NYU’s Furman Center‘s report of New York’s 15 fastest gentrifying neighborhoods.

Per Gothamist, the film is one in a series of vignettes called “Take 5: Justice in America,” a release of AMC Networks.

[Via Gothamist]


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