New York, New Jersey, and Connecticut impose tri-state set of coronavirus rules

March 16, 2020

Photo by Chris Barbalis on Unsplash

The only region in the country so far to come together in such a coordinated way in the lack of federal uniformity, Governor Murphy of New Jersey, Governor Cuomo of New York, and Governor Lamont of Connecticut announced on a conference call this morning an overarching set of rules to “flatten the curve” of the coronavirus spread. This includes no gatherings of 50 or more people, no dine-in at restaurants and bars, and the closing of movie theaters, casinos, and gyms. Any non-essential travel between 8pm and 5am every day is also strongly discouraged.

The specifics of the measures are as follows:

  • No crowds or gatherings over 50 people
  • Casinos will close at 8:00pm on Monday, March 16 (online gambling will continue)
  • Gyms will close at 8:00pm on Monday, March 16
  • Movie theaters will close at 8:00pm on Monday, March 16
  • Bars/restaurants will close at 8:00pm on Monday, March 16, and may only offer takeout/delivery after that. These establishments will receive a waiver for carry-out alcohol.
  • All public schools will be closed by the end of the day on Monday, March 16

For all of these closures, they are in effect until further notice. In all three states, all businesses must close by 8pm and remain closed until 5am. Exceptions include supermarkets, pharmacies, and gas stations. Non-essential travel is also discouraged within this time frame.

“Our primary goal right now is to slow the spread of this virus so that the wave of new infections doesn’t crash our healthcare system, and everyone agrees social distancing is the best way to do that,” Governor Cuomo said. “This is not a war that can be won alone, which is why New York is partnering with our neighboring states to implement a uniform standard that not only keeps our people safe but also prevents ‘state shopping’ where residents of one state travel to another and vice versa. I have called on the federal government to implement nationwide protocols but in their absence we are taking this on ourselves.”

More resources:

New York’s official COVID-19 information
New Jersey’s official COVID-19 information
Connecticut’s official COVID-19 information
The CDC’s official COVID-19 information


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