Celebrate NYC neighborhoods virtually with Jane’s Walk (from Home)

April 24, 2020

Courtesy of MAS

One of New York City’s greatest annual events is going virtual. Jane’s Walk honors urbanist Jane Jacobs with free volunteer-led walking tours across the city for one weekend every year. Adapting to the realities of the coronavirus pandemic, the Municipal Art Society (MAS) announced this week plans to host virtual activities that still celebrate the five boroughs, but safely from home.

Every morning at 9 a.m. starting Monday, April 27 through Sunday, May 3, a new daily activity will be announced as part of the free Jane’s Walk NYC (from Home) event. The event is a joint effort led by MAS, Urban Archive, City Lore, and Subway Therapy.

“Across nearly ten years and thousands of walks, we’ve taken to the streets with you on the first weekend in May to herald the spring, celebrate Jane Jacobs, and explore the city she loved so much. It is, truly, our favorite weekend of the year,” Elizabeth Goldstein, president of MAS, said.

“This year, the very act of gathering together that was once central to the Jane’s Walk experience isn’t possible. But the spirit of Jane’s Walk was always about more than that. Our love for New York, our connections to our neighbors and neighborhoods, and our faith in Jane Jacobs’ model of local activism has never been greater.”

Last year, the three-day festival offered New Yorkers nearly 300 walks to choose, from exploring Manhattan’s Little Syria and Radical Black Women of Harlem to a Medicinal Tree Walk in McCarren Park and Brooklyn Twilight Tour.

Follow MAS on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram to be the first to learn of each day’s activities.


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