Here’s How Many Calories You’ll Burn if You Walk, Jog, or Cycle Instead of Taking the Subway

September 3, 2015

Looking to shed a few pounds after all the summer cookouts and outdoor happy hours? Perhaps you should consider ditching the old Metrocard and traveling by foot or bicycle instead. To put into perspective just how fit this will get you, the folks over at Treated have calculated how many calories you’ll burn by walking, jogging, and cycling between subway stops. As Curbed notes, the analysis provides calorie info for every single subway stop and also charts the longest stops, which unsurprisingly are mostly over bridges, and the shortest stops, mostly located in lower Manhattan.

NYC subway calories map, NYC subway maps, Treated
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To arrive at their findings, Treated “used online tools using standardized points of reference—like weight and speed traveled—to come up with the calorie counts, which means that they aren’t hard and fast,” says Curbed.

NYC subway calories map, NYC subway, fitness ideas, Treated

NYC subway calories map, NYC subway, fitness ideas, Treated

If you feel like making the 93-minute walk from JFK to Broad Channel you’ll burn 414 calories; jogging it will shave off 649. But if you choose to walk any of the 16 shortest legs, you won’t burn off much more than a few sticks of gum. But every little bit counts, right?

[Via Curbed]


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