VIDEO: From Painted Caves to 3D-Printed Houses, Watch How Housing Has Changed Throughout History

June 11, 2015

With 3D printing taking hold as the hottest new building trend, it’s worth taking a look back at how far humans have come in the realm of home construction. Over 16,000 years ago, mammoth-bone houses were the biggest thing in architecture, and that was only a step up from painted caves. These and other home construction milestones are highlighted in a short animated video by the Atlantic called “Home Is Where the Hearth Is: A Brief History.” The astutely named video demonstrates how housing has changed from prehistoric times to the present.

The video covers over 25,000 years in a little over two minutes and includes home architecture styles from all over world. The most profound aspect of this video, aside from the Austin Powers-like music, is the noticeable shift from resourceful dwellings such as painted caves and animal hides to the comparatively elaborate Domus style abodes that arose around 500 BC.

[Via The Atlantic]



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