Hyperrealistic Artist Paul Cadden Uses Only a Pencil to Recreate Urban Photographs

July 29, 2015

Nowadays, when people want to get the details right in a photograph they turn to Photoshop. When artist Paul Cadden wants to capture all of a photo’s details, he uses nothing more than a pencil. Cadden describes his art as hyperrealism–drawings that are so realistic that they are easily mistaken for photographs.

The Scottish artist bases his work off photographs of objects and people that catch his attention. If he isn’t drawing inspiration from his own photographs, Cadden told Don’t Panic magazine that he “trawl[s] through a lot of stock images sites.” What he does next isn’t just a simple reproduction. “The idea is to go beyond the photograph,” he says.

Paul Cadden Drawings

Paul Cadden, hyperealism, pencil drawings

It takes about six weeks for Cadden to finish a drawing, and he only produces around seven pieces a year. The artist makes it a point to keep his work A1 or A0 size. “I have done one painting that measured 60×40 inches – but I’ll never do that again, it was a killer!”

See more of Paul Cadden’s drawings here.

[Via Archinect]


Images via Paul Cadden

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