Grow Vegetables in Your Apartment Effortlessly With Foop and Your Smartphone

May 11, 2016

Caring for plants at home is a nice idea, but growing food inside your city apartment is an even better one. Now with Foop, a hydroponic pod from Japan, you can grow vegetables and herbs, like lettuce, parsley, basil, and mesclun with almost no effort. The process couldn’t be easier; The first step is to purchase of your desired vegetable seeds, and the second to place the seeds into Foop’s “cultivation cup.” After the seeds are in place, you set a time frame for them to grow using Foop’s app. When the vegetables are ripe for picking, you’ll get a notification on your phone!

foop at home vegetable gardening system 3
foop, home garden
The name Foop is a clever hybrid combining the words “food” and “people.” The unit features modern design including lightweight wood panelling and a mini vegetable drawer.

foop, home garden

The units are currently available for pre-order and will cost you 38,800 yen, or $359. According to the company, they are only making 100 units and plan to ship them out in September. Pre-orders are being taken here.


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