‘2023’ numerals arrive in Times Square

All images courtesy of Times Square Alliance
It’s almost the New Year in New York. The signature seven-foot-tall shining numerals that sit underneath the New Year’s Eve crystal ball arrived in Times Square this week. The numbers are available for viewing at Times Square Plaza between 46th and 47th Street until noon on December 23 when they take their place on top of One Times Square.
The numerals use a total of 602 energy-efficient LED bulbs, with each number “2” containing 145 bulbs, “0” containing 164, and “3” containing 148, according to the Times Square Alliance.
Visitors will be able to snap pictures in front of the iconic numerals, as well as slip their New Year’s wishes into the New Year’s Eve Confetti Wishing Wall. The wall is open at Times Square Plaza from 11 a.m. to 8 p.m. until December 29. Guests have the opportunity to slip their wishes into the wall, which will then rain down as confetti when the clock strikes midnight on the 31st.
For those who can’t make it to the wall, you can also submit your wishes by sharing them on Instagram and Twitter using the hashtag #ConfettiWish.
The numbers arrived in New York City after a 2,795-mile cross-country road trip via a Kia American which stopped in various cities along the way to give Americans across the country a chance to celebrate the New Year.