September 29, 2014

Even Wackier Design Emerges for an Earthship Home at 61 Pitt Street

Some of you may remember a proposal from 3+ years ago to bring a sustainable Earthship home to 61 Pitt Street—a vacant Lower East Side lot zoned for a twelve-story building. The proposed design was the brainchild New Mexico-based architect Michael Reynolds and backed by local resident Ken Ruck who championed for its construction with the LES' Community Board 3. Surprisingly, the board wasn't against it, nor was the site's owner, but Ruck and Reynolds didn't make much headway beyond that meeting and quietly disappeared without any word on what would come next. Now fast forward to 2014, and Mr. Reynolds is back with a new and improved (but equally out-of-this-world) iteration that employs the popular floor-maximizing cantilever taking our city by storm.
More on the updated here

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