7 Bond Street

Condo in Williamsburg
View the CityRealty Profile of 7 Bond Street
September 26, 2016

$14M Noho penthouse is mindfully designed, feng shui-enhanced and Architectural Digest-approved

A $14 million price tag for a 3,000-square-foot, four-bedroom penthouse at an address like 7 Bond Street in Noho wouldn't be much of a surprise–even without 1,200 square feet of outdoor space, a perfectly-proportioned floor plan and a floor of glass-enclosed sunrooms. A feature spread in Architectural Digest reveals that this is no ordinary large and luxurious downtown pad but a "healthy living retreat," and as the listing puts it, a "veritable sanctuary of comfort and serenity." Portfolio manager Jason Pickard's home takes mindful design beyond the mere visual. A thorough renovation by AD 100 designer James Huniford, feng shui master Dee Kelly and "certified Building-Biology consultant" Matthew Waletzke of Healthy Dwellings used resources like reclaimed building materials and innovative air and water filtration systems to create a peaceful, luxurious and environmentally-friendly space.
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