Urban Reviewer

November 10, 2014

Urban Reviewer: A New Map Tool Reveals NYC’s Vacant Lots Ready for Revitalization

New York City is home to some of the world's most spectacular parks, and though we may pride ourselves on these well-tended green spaces, more than a handful of neighborhoods don't see more than a single tree for every 60-foot stretch of concrete. Enter 596 Acres, a grassroots land access nonprofit looking to change all of this with the Urban Reviewer. Developed with the help of a team of volunteer researchers, urban planners and designers, this new online tool allows anyone to view the staggering amount of publicly-owned lots that once had an urban renewal plan in the pipeline but were scrapped due to bureaucracy. By mapping out all of the vacant spaces across the city, 596 hopes that we as a community can take a top-down approach to turning these urban blights into public gardens, play lots, and spaces where people can “co-create.”
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