Sunset Park Landmarks Committee

May 7, 2019

Sunset Park residents urge LPC to preserve neighborhood built by immigrants

Sunset Park residents on Tuesday urged the city's Landmarks Preservation Committee to protect the neighborhood's century-old buildings and designate four historic districts. During a packed public hearing, lifelong residents and new homeowners alike testified in favor of landmark designation for all four areas, citing the neighborhood's cohesive and intact architecture, as well as its connection to generations of diverse immigrant communities.
More details here
January 22, 2019

Four historic districts in Sunset Park will get landmark consideration

The New York City Landmarks Preservation Commission (LPC) voted today to calendar the designation of four historic districts in Sunset Park, Brooklyn consisting of Sunset Park North, Central Sunset Park, Sunset Park 50th Street, and Sunset Park South, representing the Brooklyn neighborhood's most cohesive and intact concentrations of high-quality architecture. The neighborhood's preservation organization, Sunset Park Landmarks Committee, requested consideration for historic district status in 2014.
more on Historic Sunset Park, this way