BriAnne Wills

August 14, 2015

New Yorker Spotlight: BriAnne Wills, Creator of the Latest Internet Sensation ‘Girls and Their Cats’

Cats are certainly having their moment. From memes to museum exhibits to full-page articles in major publications, felines are everywhere these days. And for the women who love their cats, there's a chance to join in on the fun thanks to fashion photographer BriAnne Wills. Earlier this year, BriAnne founded Girls and Their Cats, a photography series capturing the intimate bond between New York women and their kitty companions. She initially launched her work on a Tumblr page, expecting it to be a quick project before she got back to the fashion world. Instead, cat lovers found BriAnne, and she now has almost 4,000 followers on Girls and Their Cats' Instagram account. She is currently expanding the series to accommodate the growing community of like-minded women relishing their fondness for felines. We recently chatted with BriAnne about how her small project is quickly becoming a big one and why women and their cats are in the spotlight.